
Research Publication

Clinical Research

Yoon S, Kim T, Roh T, Chang H, Hwang S, Yoon H, Shin T, Sim M, Jo I, Cha W, “Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram Acquisition With a Patchy-Type Wireless Device in Ambulance Transport: Simulation-Based Randomized Controlled Trial”, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(4):e24142

Yoo S, Chang H, kim T, yoon H, Hwang S, Shin T, Sim M, Jo I, Choi J, Cha W, “Intervention in the Timeliness of Two Electrocardiography Types for Patients in the Emergency Department With Chest Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial”, Interact J Med Res 2022;11(2):e36335

Yoon, S., Kim, T., Kang, E. et al. “Feasibility of patch-type wireless 12-lead electrocardiogram in laypersons”, Sci Rep 13, 4044 (2023).

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